In order to provide the best service for our clients and their pets, we adhere to the following policies. Please take a moment to review the information below so that your visit can be as safe and comfortable as possible.
We request that all pets entering the hospital be in a pet carrier or restrained on a leash for everyone’s safety. In the event of an accident or injury, it is best to contact the office for advice on handling and transport of your pet.
Appointment Procedures
Office Hours are by appointment. We make efforts to see patients at their scheduled time. If you cannot keep an appointment, kindly contact us so that we can offer the time to another patient.
Emergency cases will receive top priority followed by patients with scheduled appointments.
It is best to call first for advice on handling and transportation of your pet. In the event of after-hours emergencies, there are two fully staffed and well-equipped 24-hour / 7-day facilities:
Animal Emergency Clinic, Warren Ave., Portland, ME 207-878-3121
Maine Veterinary Referral Center, off Rt.1, Scarborough, ME 207-885-1290
Payment Policy
Charges for office visits, consultations and procedures are determined by the amount of time spent with the patient, the severity and complexity of the patient’s condition, and the materials and medications needed.
Estimates can be discussed before treatment is authorized. If medical conditions change during treatment, we will keep you informed of possible changes to the estimate.
Payment in full is expected at the time of service. Credit cards and personal checks are accepted, and we offer Care Credit, with short-term no-interest medical payment options, to help our clients during times of emergencies.
There are several pet insurance programs that may be helpful for unexpected pet expenses from treatment of injuries or illnesses. Please see the ‘links’ page of our site for some examples that you can research.
*Note: Sacopee Veterinary Clinic is not associated with and does not recommend any one particular pet insurance company.