“Nurse Munchkin” was a beloved clinic cat who passed away a few years ago at the age of 15.
Munchkin was one of the many animals that have been adopted by the doctors and staff members of Sacopee Veterinary Clinic. We encourage you to check your local animal shelter when looking for a new addition to your family.
“Animals are reliable, full of love, true in their affection, predictable in their actions, grateful and loyal. Difficult standards for people to live up to.”
—Alfred A. Montapert
If you are considering adopting a pet, please consider visiting your local shelter.
- Animal Refuge League, Westbrook, Maine (207) 854-9771
- Animal Welfare Society, Kennebunk, Maine (207) 985-3244
- Conway Humane Society, Conway, NH (603) 447-5955
- Harvest Hills Animal Shelter, Fryeburg, ME (207) 935-4358
- Lakes Region, Ossipee, NH (603) 539-1077
For lost or found pets, please contact your town hall for your local animal control officer’s number.
Town Hall Numbers:
- Baldwin: 625-3581
- Brownfield: 935-2226
- Cornish: 625-4324
- Hiram: 625-4663
- Limerick: 793-2166
- Limington: 637-2171
- Parsonsfield: 625-4558
- Porter: 625-8344
- Standish: 642-3461
- Waterboro: 247-3166
Wildlife Rehabilitators & Relocators:
- David Sparks – Sparks Ark, Animal Emergency Services – Windham – (207) 892-8905
- Avian Haven – (207) 647-5593
- Center for Wildlife – Cape Neddick – (207) 361-1400
- Karen Hawkins (Rehabilitator) – (207) 647-3734
- Maine Audubon Society – (207) 781-2330
- Maine Game Warden Office – Gray – (800) 482-0730